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look up at all those little stars
keep your head up,knowing that i will always be watching over you
My Name is YunTing. I love my Family and Friends. Not forgetting "You" ♥
I made a vow on 18MAY08, 11.52pm at Changi Airport Terminal 1, outside belt 20-23 glassdoor between belt 20&21 saying that 1 day if I got money i will bring my that two sisters oversea.
Dine at Equinox R.!
☑ MCM Bagpack! (Thanks Elgin)
☐ Bring my 2 sisters oversea
☑ GPA to be above 3.75 after 3 Years
☑ A decent Wallet
☑ Nikon P310
Friday, March 20, 2015, 2:20 PM
This is the best relationship and the most precious one that I ever got. But it's no longer mine to claim. Wanted to be called he's and I could really see the future in us. However, time is always doing evil to me. 8 months. We are suppose to still be in honeymoon stage, but it ended off with a breakup. I don't even know the words anymore to explain the hurt that I gotten in my heart. It felt as though I wasn't important from the start and was someone that others could just throw away at any point of time. I really love him a lot. So much more. I am not obsessed with him, I want to cherish him so much but I guess it backfired on me. Never been doing a great job as his girlfriend, let alone trying to be the only girlfriend he will ever need. He used to tell me, if he was to look for a relationship, he wanted to be in a long-term commitment. I thought to myself I finally find the guy that I have been searching for, someone who will willing to go such long distance with me, forever and always. Who knew, such good things will never fall on me at all. I blame myself. Blame myself for not cherishing and treasuring such a good man in front of me.

Everyone has always been singing good praises about him, and until now I still agree to that. He can never be the bad guy who tried so hard to breakup with me. It just me who bring upon this situation on us. I am not blinded by love, but I truly know what my heart wants. He can no longer love me, but it doesn't stop me from loving him. It seems like a stupid thing to say, but I am willing to wait for him. Be it to be 2 year, or 6 years. He has been with me from the very start. He is actually the angel that was bestow upon me a year ago instead of me being the special one. He doesn't even know how very special he is. I should be the one that say I don't know what good deed did I do that let me meet him. 

Why... Why am I so greedy. He has given me so much, and yet I take advantage of him. I really tried my best to ask for his return, but it seems like he believe I was just speaking nonsense just to get him back. I swear all the words I say to him was from the very truth of my heart. I really don't know how to learn to let go off him. It hurts to let go of someone I love so much dearly. 

Irony, the love locks we had in korea, the key is with me. and yet it seems so dramatic that you can still break it off. You really don't want this relationship so much. My heart feels like it's withering every single passing day. Even so, I am blessed that you was once mine to say. Be selfish, because I know you being selfish you heart won't hurt so much. Let me have all the pain that you might get because it hurt me to know that you will be unhappy. 

It takes 2 to form a love relationship, but just 1 to end it. The relationship belongs to the 2 of us, but your single decision decides what I should become in the future. All I can do now, is to try to live every day of my life. 

It feels weird to be alone after such long years. No one to share happiness with me, no one to watch movie in couple seats with me, no one will have long walks with me, no one to be there for me. The feeling of being single now scares me. I feel like being thrown to the bottom of a cliff and let alone to die. I don't know my next to recover with what. No one to rely on. 

I'll wait...  For as long as you need me to I promise.
For as long as my heart still long for you. 
and I made promises that I can keep. 

I love you.
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